Lev Zelenyi
IKI – Space Research Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences
Academician of RAS (2008),
Scientific Director of the Space Research Institute of RAS - IKI,
DSc (Physical and Mathematical Sciences) (1978),
Professor (1978), member of the Presidium of RAS (since 2006),
Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2013-2017),
Director of the Space Research Institute RAS (2002-2017)
«The solar system: in search of water and life»
Leonid Kononov
N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry
Russian Academy of Sciences
DSc (Chemical Sciences), Head of the Laboratory of Glycochemistry.
Main areas of research: Development of methodology for the synthesis of biologically important carbohydrates - mono-, oligo- and polysaccharides and various glycoconjugates based on them;
Synthesis of carbohydrate antigens for the diagnosis of socially significant diseases and diseases that pose a danger to others (including for the diagnosis of mycobacteriosis);
Study of the structure of reaction solutions;
Chemistry in flow reactors (flow chemistry)
«Structuring of aqueous and non-aqueous solutions: data physical methods and results of chemical reactions»
Robert Nigmatulin
Shirshov Institute Oceanology of the
Russian Academy of Sciences
Academician of RAS (1991),
DSc (Physical and Mathematical Sciences) (1971),
Professor (1978), member of the Presidium of RAS (since 2006),
Director of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS (2006-2016),
Scientific Director of IO RAS (since 2017),
Head of the Department of Gas and Wave Dynamics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics,
Lomonosov Moscow State University (since 2010),
Professor at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
«Mechanics and thermodynamics of climate»
Yury Rakhmanin
FGBU "TsSP" FMBA of Russia, Moscow
Academician of RAS (2013),
DSc (Medical Sciences), Professor (1981),
Chief Scientific Advisor of the FGBU "CSP" of the FMBA of Russia, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
«Experience in evaluation and systematization of structural and molecular characteristics of water quality affecting its biological properties»
Margarita Rodnikova
Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the
Russian Academy of Sciences
Professor, DSc (Chemistry Sciences)
Leading Researcher
«Basic properties of the spatial network of hydrogen bonds in liquids and solutions»
Anton Syroeshkin
RUDN University, Institute of Medicine
Professor, DSc (Biological Sciences)
Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Institute of Medicine of the RUDN University
«Isotopic control of pharmacokinetics and metabolism in aqueous solutions»